Final Project
Create an Open Education Resource (OER)
Your product/deliverable should be designed to teach high school and first-year college students how to engage with any 2 of the theory texts that we cover in class. You may use any of the films/docs/music/media that have been assigned to SUPPLEMENT your theory work. Speeches (oral history) count as theory.
- Your target audience (high school and first-year college students) should understand how the two texts that you choose relate, connect, reinforce each other, or even contrast.
- Your OER deliverable/package can include PowerPoints, YouTube videos, podcasts, Medium articles, and/or social media posts.
You are creating a resource that others can reuse, remix, and redistribute for learning and teaching purposes.
Enjoy this project and use your strengths. If you are a strong speaker, consider making a podcast or even a video. If you are a linear thinker with a passion for PowerPoints, make a PowerPoint.